Our Business Philosophy When accepting your job order assignment,JEI STAFFING GROUP will analyze and evaluate the position to gain an accurate understanding of what your company wants and needs. Wild goose chases are not the kind of hunting we prefer, for they are very costly to us and unproductive for you. We take the time to determine exactly what you're looking for being guided by your job description and credentials required, while considering such key factors as personality, motivation, and compatibility, as well. Our evaluation helps us discover the qualified individuals who are most likely to "fit" best within your company and its culture. As you've surely observed, the best and most effective recruiters specialize in a small number of industries. You'll be pleased to know that JEI STAFFING GROUP use their in-depth knowledge from their focused efforts to your advantage. They are proficient in their networking with competing companies, and able to find the optimal person for a given job with proficiency and tact. They usually know your business, your industry, and most competitors within it, too.
You're in charge Make no mistake about it: Even though JEI STAFFING GROUP is available to you for consultation and advise, you make all the key decisions. We simply identify, screen, and qualify candidates, freeing up your time to interview the high-quality, on-target finalists we present to you. And since our services are provided on a no risk, contingency-fee basis, our Corporate Clients pay only when we produce results. If you dont hire our candidate, you dont pay us a thing. When you do hire, the fee will be equal to 30% of your new employees first-year salary.