Having any luck posting your open positions on Internet job sites? If you're like most other companies, you've found that online job postings do little more than release an overwhelming flood of e-mailed resumes, most of them from unqualified candidates. Occasionally but rarely, you score. But the primary problem with a resume tsunami is that the worthless ones usually hide (cover, obfuscate, bury, etc.) those that are solid gold. With more than 30,000 employment sites and 8 to 10 million resumes now online, its no wonder things are out of control. On the other hand, for more than half a century, forward-thinking companies have recognized the benefits of using external recruiters to locate and filter qualified candidates to fill their open positions. During periods of record-low unemployment, a strong economic downturn, or anytime between, theres a need in almost every company for the skills and the personal touch that professional recruiters offer. Actually, JEI STAFFING GROUP are very unique recruiters, a breed youve never met before because, prior to the emergence of the Internet, they didnt exist. But today, JEI STAFFING GROUP is reshaping the recruiting profession by using the Internet, not as a bulletin board or glorified want ad, but as the most powerful search mechanism the world has ever known. And today, just like yesterday, they are using the telephone to establish and stay in personal touch with you and the candidates you covet. When a position is hard to fill, JEI STAFFING GROUP can find top quality passive candidates who can step in and add value, immediately. And when an opening generates a large number of applicants, JEI STAFFING GROUP will sift through all the candidates to separate the best from the rest, so you dont have to. JEI STAFFING GROUP provide aggressive, objective, and focused search campaigns to find the "right" person, no matter what it takes. High-Tech has met High-Touch in JEI STAFFING GROUP'S capable hands!